It's okay, but there's not much of an improvement over the original game. For example:
-The arrows are buggy so that clicking on them doesn't actually move you to whatever you go, it's actually somewhere a bit off of the arrow.
-The puzzles are RIDICULOUSLY easy. There's only two puzzles in the game. A math question AND an American Football trivia question. While 4 math equations to solve in order to combine said answers to punch in a code is using your brain, an American Football trivia question doesn't.
-NO MULTIPLE ENDINGS. This isn't exactly a bold feature presented in the original game, but it's lack of presence in the original game makes me want it in here, because sure, I never beaten the original game, but at least it gave you a reason to replay the game. Here... It just doesn't have them, so once you get the ending, that's really it.
-It's shorter than the original. Why. Aren't sequels supposed to improve the original in some way? Instead of having multiple cutscenes you can watch throughout the game, this game only has 1 LONG one and that's only seen at the end of the game.